CONSULTATIONS ISSUED ON “TAX DAY” BY TREASURY The Treasury's consultations issued on "Tax Day" broke with tradition replacing the normal bundle of tax consultation documents released on Budget Day. This year however they decided to delay the publication for 3 weeks...
Corporation Tax Rates will rise to 25%
CORPORATION TAX RATES WILL RISE TO 25% BUT NOT FOR ALL COMPANIES The main UK Corporation Tax rates will rise to 25% from 1 April 2023. We currently have one of the lowest corporate tax rates of the G20 countries. The government states it is committed to keeping the...
Government Support – November 2020
Government Support Over the last few days with the start of the second lockdown in England there have been several updates to the government support packages. Below is a brief summary of the position: Local Authorities Local authority grants of £3,000 per month...
Making Tax Digital
MAKING TAX DIGITAL Software is the way forward Making Tax Digital is bringing a revolution to the business world and in particular how they are going to make their reports to the HMRC. The big changes are coming through the proposals being made under the title “Making...
Save money – Get Advice Early
Save Money by getting advice early This week I have heard two stories where business owners have kept going when they should have got advice earlier. Although the sums of money are vastly different, in both cases taking advice earlier could have made a significant...
Setting Prices
Setting prices can be a headache for any business. One of the biggest problems for smaller businesses is how to go about setting prices for their products and services. And much of the problem actually comes from a lack of self...
Pricing for Profits
Pricing for Profits is key to a successful business Whatever business you are involved in, it is vital that you know how to set your prices. And unless you are a high growth business or have funding to spare, your prices will need to be set to make a profit relatively...
Cash is King
Cash is king - Debtors are dead money Following on from a previous article on the problems of holding stock, another area that cannot be ignored by a big and small business owners are Debtors (unpaid sales invoices). Good Customers It is always worth identifying your...
Stock – Asset or Liability?
Stock – Asset or Liability? When does an asset turn into a liability? We all think of stock as a business asset. This is the stock that fills your warehouse and is there to be sold. Perhaps after you bought the raw materials you have even made it into something new....