Plan for your business

Unique Selling Point

Unique Selling Point A useful tool for deciding how to ‘position’ your products and services is the Porter Generic Strategy Model (developed by Michael E. Porter (1998), Harvard Business School Professor and author of numerous texts on strategy). The model suggests...

It may be time to pivot your strategy

In order to pivot your strategy, you will need to start by doing your research, reassessing your current business model and building a new approach from there. Pivoting your strategy may involve targeting a different customer base, new routes to market or even a new range of products and services. If pivoting your strategy pushes you into a new market, you will likely need to re-evaluate your approach to sales, marketing and day to day business processes.

Business Plan or a Plan for Your Business

Business Plan or a Plan for Your Business Should you have a plan for your business rather than a business plan?  Business Plan It is amazing how many businesses are started without a formal business plan, but everyone has a plan for their business however informal it...